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Перед Вами оригинальный отрывок из произведения С. Моэма "Дождь". в котором, скорее всего, есть незнакомые слова. Не переводите их пока. И не читайте текст. Выполните задания.
"Rain" W. Somerset Maugham
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
1.Закройте правую часть текста и прочитайте оставшуюся левую. Затем наоборот. О чём этот текст?
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
2. Прочитайте текст по диагонали. О чём этот текст?
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
3.Быстро прочитайте этот текст слева направо и наоборот. О чём этот текст?
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
4. Прочитайте слова, передающие смысл:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
имена собственные
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
5. В тексте прочитайте:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
6. В тексте прочитайте вводные и связующие слова и выражения:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
7. В тексте прочитайте союзы, обеспечивающие логическую связь а предложении:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
8. Теперь прочитайте текст быстро, выделяя грамматические и лексические отрицания:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
9. Прочитайте первую фразу абзаца:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
10. Игнорируя незнакомые слова, быстро прочитайте текст:
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...
11. А теперь переведите все незнакомые слова и выучите их. Прочитайте текст бегло и правильно.
... Two or three days went by. Now when they passed Miss Thompson on the road she did not greet them with ironic cordiality or smile; she passed with the nose in the air, a sulky look on her painted face, frowning, as she did not see them. The trader told Macphail that she had tried to get lodgings elsewhere, but had faild. In the evening she played through the various reels of her gramophone, but the pretence of mirth was obvious now. The ragtime had a cracked, heart broken rhythm as though it were a one-step of despair. When she began to play on Sunday Davidson sent Horn to beg her to stop at once since it was the Lord's day. The reel was taken off and the house was silent except for the steady pattering of the rain on the iron roof. ...