Simple one-clause sentences
Two clauses joined with and, but or or
Direct speech + noun/pronoun + say/as
Two clauses joined with because
Two clauses joined with so, before, after, when
Direct speech + subject/verb inversion
Reported speech with present tense
reporting verb
Sentences with more than two main clauses
Sentences with one main and one subordinate clause
Zero and first conditional
Defining relative clauses (but not embedded)
Clauses with wh words
Clauses ending in so, not
Reported speech with to + infinitive
Participle clauses
Complex sentences where the relations between clauses are uncomplicated
Non-defining relative clauses
Second conditional
if clauses after verbs of asking, wondering etc
Relative clauses: embedded, defining
Responses with so/neither/nor
Mixed conditionals Inversion after hardly, no sooner etc.
–ing/wh- clause as subject
Sentences with wish+were/would/had