Сайт преподавателя английского языка Денель Марины Юрьевны
 История английского языка Экзаменационные вопросы и задания (практическая часть)

Экзаменационные вопросы и задания к курсу История английского языка (практическая часть)

счетчик посещений


1.  Explain the spelling, the pronouciation and the origin of the forms drink - drank - drunk.

2.  Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words five, wife.

3.  Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms rise - rose - risen.

4.  Explain the forms man - men, I was cycling.

5.  Explain the spelling, the origin and the pronounciation of the forms find - found - found.

6.  Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words house, street.

7. Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms bind - bound - bound.

8.  Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms wolf - wolves, mouse - mice.

9.  Explain the degrees of comparison old - elder - eldest.

10.Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms in the plural child - children.

11.Explain the spelling, the pronouciation and the origin of the forms foot-feet.

12.Explain the origin of the Modern English Modal Verbs can, may.

13. Explain the spelling and the origin of the forms write - wrote - written.

14.Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the forms come-came-come.

15.Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words road, open.

16.Explain the spelling and the pronouciation of the words boat, do.

17.Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words deep, look.

18.Explain the spelling, the prononciation and the origin of the words keep-kept-kept.

19.Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words school, night.

20.Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words seem, love.

21.Explain the origin of the forms ox - oxen, sheep - sheep.

22.Explain the spelling and the pronounciation of the words time, above.

23.Explain the spelling of the words sea, cloud and the origin of the form clouds.

24.Explain the origin of the prefixes over-, under- and the suffix -ish

25.Explain the pronounciation and the spelling of the words green, ground.

26.Explain the origin of Modern English Oblique Mood forms would, know, should be

27.Explain  the origin of Modern English Passive forms was told, was thought

28. Explain the origin of  articles in Modern English a, an, the

29.Explain  the origin of the form man's work.

30.Explain the origin  of the Modern English Future Indefinite Tense He will come.






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