Indefinite: no one
Relative: whose
Reflexive, for emphasis
Reciprocal: each other
Pronoun + of, to, adjective, relative clause
Predeterminer: such
Intensifiers: nearly as, just as, not quite as
Comparative/superlative with less/least
Adjective + enough
Simple passive verb forms (except modal perfects)
Present and past continuous passive verb forms
Present simple for future reference
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect
have something done
make/let + infinitive
used to
was/were going to
had better for advice or desirability
may/might for possibility
must for deduced facts
should/ought to for advice, duty, desirability
would for hypothetical situations
Question tags: positive tag following
positive statement
as well as
Complex sentences where the relations between clauses are uncomplicated
Non-defining relative clauses
Second conditional
if clauses after verbs of asking, wondering etc